In 2024, Demsky released his latest album As Your Heart Beats, a series of songs created with the sole purpose of making us aware of the obliviousness we have towards changes that exist in society outside of our own bubble. On January 14th, 2024, Demsky presented a special release party at Za-Koenji in Tokyo where the album was presented with lush visuals crafted by Remy Busson and captured in as a documentary by CosyInsomnia. The album was celebrated at Echoes of Earth (India), Wonderfruit and The Great Gathering (Thailand), Wild Pearl Radio in Singapore, Goju Festival (Japan), as well as stops across Malaysia and Japan. The tour will finish off in Taipei at Tiger Mountain Ramble on December 7th and 2 intimate shows in New Delhi at Reset Networks Studios on December 27th and 28th. 

Demsky along side indie publication sankaku produce SentoSensations, a one-day festival held at one of Tokyo's oldest bathhouses 電気湯, celebrating the rich tapestry of arts, music, and craftsmanship across Japan and Asia.

For all tour dates please see here, to watch footage from As Your Heart Beats Live and other videos please see here, to check out unique live sets from Bangkok Community Radio and Meets A Room click on the them, and to contact Demsky please see here.

November 29th, 2024
